Operator Overloading and Conversion

1. Constructor Overloading

A constructor is responsible for initializing an object. It can be overloaded to handle different types of inputs.


Why do we need multiple constructors? How does constructor overloading improve code flexibility?


class Value{
         std::string Data;
         Value(); // Default constructor
         Value(const Value &val); // Copy constructor
         Value(const std::string &str); // String constructor
         Value(int i); // int constructor
         Value(double d); // double constructor


Value::Value(const Value &val){
    Data = val.Data;

Value::Value(const std::string &str){
    Data = str;

Value::Value(int i){
    Data = std::to_string(i);

Value::Value(double d) {
    Data = std::to_string(d);



Modify the Value class to include a constructor that accepts a boolean type.

2. Assignment Operator Overloading

The = operator can be overloaded to customize assignment behavior.


class Value{
         std::string Data;
         Value &operator=(const Value &val); // assignment

Value &Value::operator=(const Value &val){
    if(this != &val){
        Data = val.Data;
    return *this;

int main(){
    Value i{3};
    Value j;

    j = i; // same thing as j.operator=(i);
    return 0;

3. Cast Operator Overloading

Allows conversion from an object to another type.


class Value{
         std::string Data;
         operator int() const; // int cast

Value::operator int() const{
    return std::stoi(Data);

int main(){
    Value i{3};
    int j = 7;

    j = i; // same thing as j = i.operator int();
    return 0;


Implement a cast overload to convert a Value object to a floating-point number.

4. Extended Example


class Value{
         std::string Data;
         Value(const Value &val); // Copy constructor
         Value(int i); // int constructor
         Value &operator=(const Value &val); // assignment
         operator int() const; // int cast

Value::Value(const Value &val){
    Data = val.Data;

Value::Value(int i){
    Data = std::to_string(i);

Value &Value::operator=(const Value &val){
    if(this != &val){
        Data = val.Data;
    return *this;

Value::operator int() const{
    return std::stoi(Data);

int main(){
    Value i{3}, k{4};
    int j = 7;
    k = j + i;
    // k.operator=(Value(j + i.operator int());
    return 0;



Modify the extended example to include overloading of the + operator for Value objects.

Practice Problems

Put your solutions here
  1. Implement a class Fraction that overloads the + operator for fraction addition.
  2. Modify the Value class to support floating-point number conversion.
  3. Overload the == operator to compare two Value objects.
  4. Overload the * operator to multiply two Value objects.